Now that your email account is setup with Imageway, you are ready to create email account for your users. To accomplish this you do the following:
1) In a web browser goto: https://mail.YOURDOMAIN.COM” (where YOURDOMAIN.COM is your custom domain name).
2) When the webpage comes up click: “Domain Management” (click okay for any popups the browser gives you)
3) Login using:
4) Once you are logged in move over to the “Domain Admin” heading and click the “User Accounts” option.
5) You can create a new email account by entering a username and password. All other information is optional. Once you have entered the required information, click the “CREATE ACCOUNT” button.
Check to make sure at the top it says “User Saved” or “Added to database” and not some other error. An error you might recieve for example might be about your password not meeting the requirements.
You can follow the same process to create additional emails. You can create up to the maximum emails allowed for the account you purchased.
Once you are done you can click the “LOGOUT” button to logout.
You are now ready to check and send your email (like you do with hotmail or yahoo).
1) In a web browser goto: “”
2) Click the “WEBMAIL” button. (click okay for any popups the browser might give you)
3) Enter your username (which is your full email address) and password you created in the previous process you completed.
4) Click the “LOGIN” button.
You are now in the web based email program. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the software.
If you have any issues or comments, don’t hesitate to contact customer support.
In the past we have had several customers contacting us regarding not receiving emails or that they were getting too much junk mail (referred to as SPAM). At first we felt the proper way to handle things was to disable the SPAM filtering and allow the customer to turn it on. We found out very quickly, that SPAM was flooding customers email accounts. It is a sad fact that a majority of email being sent around the Internet is in fact SPAM. With both these pressing issues, we decided to enable the SPAM filtering by default for every email account.
The down side to this decision was that some legitimate email might be considered SPAM. A good example of this is automated email sent from a web site you signed up for (since it is worded like SPAM), or email coming from Hotmail or Yahoo free email accounts. The reason for the Hotmail and Yahoo free emails accounts getting blocked recently is because both those companies decided to put SPAM advertising at the bottom of all email going out from their free accounts (another reason not to use hotmail or yahoo as your business email). What this does is fake the SPAM filtering into thinking the email is SPAM.
At Imageway we are always trying to find a better way to filter SPAM, and always adjusting our SPAM rating system. Currently the Imageway email server does several checks to determine if the email is SPAM or NOT. The system will automatically drop all email that contains a file attachment that has a Virus (to protect our customers).
The way the SPAM filtering works is that each bad attribute that is in an email, it will give a score. At the end it will total this score up, and will decide what to do with your email based on how you have your settings. We have a default set for all customers, which we consistently change. If the email is above a certain score, it puts the email in the “SPAM” folder, and sends an email to the sender requesting that they verify themselves as a real person, and not a SPAMMER. If they verify themselves as a real person, then email will be allowed from them.
So if you are getting emails that are blocked (or missing), then what can you do? You will want to do the following:
1) Log in to your email account using WEBMAIL or IMAP (using 3rd party client).
2) One logged in click the “SPAM” folder. Check your “SPAM” folder. You will see this folder both in webmail or if using IMAP via a third party client. This folder contains mail that is considered SPAM. If you see email in this folder that is not SPAM then complete number 3.
3) Move that email message out of the “SPAM” folder to your INBOX folder. This will automatically add them to your friends list, and train our SPAM system what is not SPAM.
If you get junk mail (SPAM), in your INBOX, you should do the following:
1) Log in to your email account using WEBMAIL or IMAP (using 3rd party client).
2) Once logged in click the “Inbox” folder.
3) Click the email that is junk mail (SPAM).
4) Move this email to the “SPAM” folder. If your using the webmail, you can also click the “Spam” button. This will automatically remove them from your friends list if they are on it, and train our SPAM system what is SPAM.
Emails in the “SPAM” folder will be deleted after 14 days automatically by the email system to prevent the SPAM emails from using to much of your email account storage.
Thanks for reading and I hope this makes your email experience better. If you have questions or comments, please contact us.
Imageway Staff
The SQL statement you need to run on the MySQL database to change your personal database user password is:
That will set the password for the current user your logged in as to “biscuit”. You can issue this SQL command by using our MySQL editor which is available at ““.
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